ARDMORE, Okla. (KTEN) — The Republican nominee for Carter County sheriff remains undecided after Tuesday's primary election ended in a tie between incumbent Chris Bryant and challenger DJ Long.

Election board secretary Diane Hall said Friday that five provisional ballots not counted in the 2,569-2,569 vote have been reviewed, and none of the five ballots was judged to be valid.

Three of the ballots were rejected because Democrats voted in the Republican primary; one voter did not show proof of identification; and the fifth provisional ballot was cast by an individual who was not a registered voter.

So the race remains tied, with neither candidate victorious.

Sheriff Bryant said he submitted an official request for a recount of the results before the 5 p.m. Friday deadline. 

If the deadlock remains unbroken after the votes are re-tabulated, the election board will determine a winner by random drawing.