GRAYSON COUNTY, Texas (KTEN) — Trees across Texoma have been toppling in the wake of recent storms, causing problems for both homeowners and motorists.

Renee Todd told KTEN she got up Wednesday to find trees littering their yard.

"I woke up to make my tea, and looked out the kitchen window, and the screen was bent," Todd said. "I was kind of confused; I thought it was one tree maybe that came down... came outside to investigate, and it's this big 40 foot, 50 foot tree. Barely missed my house."

Denison homeowner Bill McFarland is doing his part to help clean up and keep roads safe.

"My wife was leaving for work at about 8, called me up and said, 'You better come down the driveway and look at this tree across the road,'" he recalled. "I came down and looked... it was all the way across, and I started cleaning it up."

Tree removal companies like Tree Solutions Texoma in Pottsboro were hard at work on Wednesday, with phones that are ringing non-stop from people who need their help.

"Obvious that the saturated ground from the rain uprooted this pecan tree behind me," said James McCrory. "Over the past three days, numerous calls over the same situation as we're working on today."

The root of this issue goes all the way back to last summer.

"Starting with the drought, and then with the cracks in the soil, and then getting saturated amount of rain, and then also with the winds, and it just becomes like a teeter-totter," McCrory explained.

Tree Solutions Texoma recommends maintaining your trees throughout the year and getting a crown reduction of the tree canopy to reduce the risk of collapse.